Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Ancient engravings

From Sumerian culture to South American Indian cultures - they all have done carvings of creatures and technology. Some of the interesting ones I present here.

Here is the famous lizard man (David Ickes source is MK ULTRA mind control victims, who claim to have seen them alive). I propose alternative perspective (will not go into much detail) - NeAnderThaler. NewAnderDollar New Man Dollar. New Money Man
. Or it is just a mask.

Click on image to enlarge.

Here are somehow similar Indian depiction of beings or humans in masks or astronauts. The picture on the left depicts a weapon may be. It looks more advanced than a spear.

Click on image to enlarge.

These are too complicated and the quality of pictures is too bad to come to solid conclusions. My guess is that these are vehicles. Various transports possibly for space travel, flight in the air or depicted at the bottom would serve the purpose of ground transport. The most weird is the one on the right.

Click on image to enlarge.


Eshenberg said...

"(..) ateistiem konspiroloģija aizstāj reliģiju. Viņiem visu laiku šķiet, ka ar viņiem kāds manipulē, kāds viņus hipnotizē, padara par zombijiem, noklausās, okšķerē."
Šausmu ķivere, V.P.
Please delet, comrade;)

江仁趙雲虹昆 said...

台灣正妹 大奶正妹 正妹女警 正妹頻道 正妹時鐘 正妹麻將 無名愛正妹